Support Caesar
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Though Caesar had his bone marrow transplant successfully completed, he still requires substantial support, particularly to overcome his weak legs, body equilibrium, and to regroup in his studies. A great deal of work remains. All these burdens, including the family’s financial strain to be here, will be overcome. Consider the tons of energy he now possesses as a healed teenager; besides, health is the greatest asset. Taking into account what we have endured, with further assistance, Caesar will rise above all this.

Thank You
Dear Friends,
Caesar is HEALED because you helped him. It is never enough to say thanks to those who have helped you. As a result of it, Caesar had his bone marrow transplant successfully done in September 2021. Furthermore, thank you for being patient with us. Now, it’s super clear that patience is the key to achieve success.
Frankly speaking, in our current world where everyone is really busy trying to survive in one way or another, when someone reaches out to help the others is a big deal. In Caesar’s case, without the help he has received, it is not easy to imagine that we might not being around here anymore, at least some family members: probably me or him. Just imagine: he lost almost everything with the 3rd stroke in 2014, except the love from his family. With that, he was able to relearn all back since then. We could call it a miracle mixed with Love and hard work. Your help was essential for we put Caesar at the hand of the best transplant team in the world. Directly or indirectly, you are part of it. Now, he is 100% healed. I wish I’d be able to put it into better (e.g., magic and more blessing) words here for you.
God did not let us fail,
Thank you for being part of his journey,
Caesar’s parents: Lucas & Aline